Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Opinion Of Henry Jenkins Essay - 1998 Words

In the opinion of Henry Jenkins â€Å"Participatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from individual expression to community involvement† Jenkins et al (2009, pg6). Using this explanation, this essay underlines the matters of how the entertainment industries has taken full control through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore, it also typifies how such industries emphasis significantly into its logics and practices through its audience and fan participation. Supported Research is justified by various theorists/examples. This includes Prensky, Katz and Blumler, Dan Gilmore, David Gauntlet, Charles Leadbeater and Jenkins himself. According to Jenkins ‘Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide’, It spectacles that the entertainment industry has taken the advantage of harnessing ‘New Media’ on traditional formats by focussing on the logistics and practices. This evidently helps to increase the popularity and the availability of audience participation through the use of updated technology. This is denoted through old technological formats via applying new interactive media to heighten the participation for numerous audiences. For instance, back in the day many industries i.e. entertainment had to depend on broadcasting and radio for the viewers to receive their audio or visual content. To do these industries had to send out signals globally through a large transmitter so that people can receive their content. Transmitting these signalsShow MoreRelatedSocial Sites: Virtual Playgrounds or Predatory Hunting Grounds956 Words   |  4 Pageswith online predators. Representative M ichael Fitzpatrick, from Pennsylvania, is a sponsor of the Deleting Online Predators Act. He is an advocate for extreme online restrictions for children who use social-networking sites. 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